APS has now developed a new line of anti-corkscrewing rollers specifically designed for its Casing Spacers that fits into a smaller annular space while withstanding higher load strengths than any other isolation roller offered on the market. These new patent pending ApogeeAero® Roller Casing Spacers are cost competitive to traditional Casing Spacers with runners while still isolating the carrier pipe from the casing pipe. Not only are they cost competitive, but they can carry heavy loads while reducing the coefficient of friction from .2 to .06 which is 70% less, thus increasing the average installation speeds from 3-5 ft. per minute to 15+ ft. per minute. Unlike traditional casing spacers, the design of the anticorkscrewing ApogeeAero® Casing Spacers eliminates the need for a guide or greasing of the casing pipe I.D., and decreases installatoin time, size of equipment, and overall cost of the project.